BG-17: My Daughter Sydney
A week ago monday, I got the call that no parent wants. I had just sat down for lunch when I got it. It was my 20 year old daughter’s mother calling to let me know that they, her, my daughter and two friends had just been in a bad accident leaving Alabama and that they had to life-flight my daughter to the hospital.
Im not sure how the accident happened but everyone else in the vehicle had some pretty good bumps and bruises, but nothing too, too serious. Sydney, however, was ejected from the vehicle and suffered some pretty good head injuries, and was taken immediately to surgery.
Today, as I type this, I am fortunate to say that I am sitting here in the hospital beside her. She had a pretty good weekend after only 1 week from the accident, but the last 2-3 days have been difficult. Our expectations went thru the roof after the great weekend, but monday and tuesday both were quite difficult, yesterday was a tad better, getting a little more interaction, and today has been better than yesterday.
Today she’s moving around in bed on her own, with intent, shifting side to side and, in fact, tried to get out of the bed. There are some adjustments that need to be made to some of the levels with her blood work, but once thats done I think we will be in a good position. I want HER fixed now, but after getting ejected from the vehicle, I’m simply happy she’s here.
She does have a few surgeries to go but, I think im seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Its been hard for her, because she’s relatively aware of her surroundings, and is quite afraid of all the busy-ness that is going on with her care.
It is extremely rare that anyone survives getting ejected from a moving vehicle on the highway, but it happens. She, so far, is now one on that one-in-however-many list. Had the life flight gotten their two minutes later, this might be a completely different post, and thats IF I would have been able to write one at all.
But because she has survived, and is making good progress, I can write this post and actually feel ok about writing it, now, 11 days later.
Normally I’m rather private about matters like this BUT, there are a lot of people who have been in her corner, keeping her in their thoughts and prayers…so Im ok with doing this because, the more support she has, I feel, the better the outcome for her, no matter how far away they come from.
So, not only am I asking for those two things, but I am also asking that you and everyone who rides with you or you ride with, that you all do buckle up. I don’t exactly know the details, as to whether she had hers on or not, at this point I don’t care. Moving forward, whether it was on this time or not, she better have it on!!! Her father has spoken!!
Personally, Ive worked in just about every setting within the medical field and have worked hands-on with hundreds and hundreds of patients in just about every condition you can think of, as a physical therapist. BUT, it all changes when it is your child laying there needing the help.
I am relieved that she is making good progress.
She had just finished her second full year of college and had gone on a weekend cruise to unwind before summer semester starts.
My brother has set up a go-fund-me page to help with some of the expenses surrounding her care, and, hopefully there could be enough for her to help her get the ground up under her feet, once she does get out of here and out of rehab. Anything you can donate will be used 100% for her and for her care. In fact, i’m open to itemizing on the go-fund-me page so you can see where every dollar is going. If its nothing but good thoughts you can give, Im ok with that too. I would however, like to show her that across the globe, even people who have no idea who she is, contributed to the fund to help get her moving again.
You can click here to be taken to her go-fund-me page or go to https://www.gofundme.com/sydney-williams.
Again, anything you can donate will be greatly appreciated, and, please feel free in sharing the link. Oh, if you donate $25 USD or more, I will set up a webinar for you and others who need help with weight loss, strength training, or joint and muscle pain management (ie, knee pain/arthritis, shoulder pain etc etc) goals, where you can participate for free.
If you donate $50 or more you can join one of thosee webinars PLUS get a 20 minute phone consultation on any one of those three topics. You just have to message me to let me know which one you are interested in, and what you need help with and I will add you to the list to set up the call.
Thanks in advance for keeping her in your thoughts, and thanks in advance for any donations. Please feel free in sharing this post.
Tim Williams, BS, EP-C, PTA, KTP