BG-18: My Daughter Health Update
If yall read my last post yall know that my daughter was involved in a bad car accident, 2 weeks ago, monday. She had just gotten back from a 4-day cruise after her spring semester and was heading back to Atlanta when it happened. She was with her mother and a couple of their friends.
Before I get into her current status, I do want to say thanks to everyone who has donated to her go-fund-me account and to everyone who will donate. Every little bit helps and it all will go towards her and her recovery process. It would be great if everyone who sees this post could donate as little as $25 (or more). The website is https://gofundme.com/sydney-williams or you can click here to be taken to her page where you can donate. Or, some people would prefer to remain anonymous, you can send a check or money order, payable to Tim Williams, to the following address:
Tim Williams, c/o Sydney Williams, PO Box 768206, Roswell, GA 30076.
Sydney is a 20 year old college student who had just finished her 5th semester. She had already registered to take summer classes but will miss those and likely the fall semester, and maybe more. Plus it is too soon to tell if and when she will be able to start taking classes again, or even get back to work. So anything collected thru the go-fund-me would go towards her expenses and to help her get back on her feet.
Its been 2 weeks since the accident. When I first got the call from her mother, who was in the vehicle with her, she couldn’t tell me much except that she had to be life-flighted away from the scene. So for the 5 hour drive to get to her I had no idea what I would be coming up on when I got to the hospital.
By the time I got there she had already gone to surgery and was in ICU. As a physical therapist, I’ve walked in and have worked with I don’t know how many hospital patients, and with just about any and every condition that you can think of, including ICU patients. Let me tell you, its a completely different something when you walk in and it is your child laying there, and there’s nothing you can do.
You can read more details of what happened by clicking here and going to my previous post.
Today, however, and for the past 2 and a 1/2 weeks I have sat here in the hospital beside her. She has a few more surgeries that she needs to go thru, but I can say that she has made some great gains and am feeling optimistic about her recovery.
One of the surgeries that she is scheduled to have, so far has been cancelled twice because of there being too much swelling and was too risky to perform. At this moment, as I type this (wednesday, 12pm central time) it is being put on the schedule for one of the next few days and is likely to happen this time, Im keeping my fingers crossed.
If it does, and everything goes well, we are hoping to get her back to Atlanta soon after where she will get started in a pretty intense rehab program.
She has made pretty good, steady gains all week. She is conversing pretty well and more often, is interacting more often, complains of pain less often and is recognizing people and things again. So we are hopeful that this progress continues.
Again, a donation of just $25(or more) can help her greatly in her recovery process. You can click here to donate to her go-fund-me page or you can anonymously send a check or money order donation, payable to Tim Williams, to: Tim Williams, c/o Sydney Williams, PO Box 768206, Roswell, GA, 30076. We greatly appreciate your donation and greatly appreciate you taking a moment to read some of what she is going thru. Again, anything you donate would be greatly appreciated.
Tim Williams BS, EP-C, PTA, KTP